Tuesday, December 15, 2009

You Know What Fucking Ruled About Freddie Bynum, Jr.?

"I can do anything and everything you want to do on a baseball field. If you want me to run the catcher over I can run him over. If you want me to drop kick somebody I'll drop kick them. I am ready. I am ready to play ball."

-- Freddie Bynum, Jr.


  1. I really wish Freddy was better at baseball.

  2. And since we're talking non-sequiturs, I really hope the Orioles find a way to bring back Erik Bedard. Someone suggested that to the 105.7 announcers and their response was "But who do you take out of the lineup? Millwood, Guthrie, Matusz, Bergesen or Tillman?" Guthrie. You take Guthrie out. Because it takes out an average-good righty and puts in a terrific lefty.

  3. No, Ryan, you take Millwood out, because Jeremy Guthrie Fucking Rules and I will not hear otherwise. Even from the stats. Any man who sits outside the Athletics' dressing room in Oakland and challenges whosoever passes to chess is...indescribably awesome.

  4. Hahaha, forgot the comments in this topic must follow the Rule of Awesome. Bonus points: He rides his bike to the Yard for every home game. I can only assume that he throws free copies of the Book of Mormon at every person he passes.

  5. JEREMY GUTHRIE: True Oriole...or Truest Oriole?
